WooSocio Pro V1.4 released

WooSocio Pro V1.4 released

WooSocio Pro V1.4 released WooSocio Pro V1.4 released – Genial Souls Version 1.4 Released 12/04/2016 GenialSouls released a new version of its pro plugin, WooSocio Pro V1.4 GenialSouls is committed to provide new demanding features. Now introducing options to post product as picture and gallery images as gallery to Facebook. It will create a page,…

Time Delay Posting

WooSocio Pro V1.3 released

WooSocio Pro V1.3 released WooSocio Pro V1.3 released – Genial Souls Version 1.3 Released 15/01/2016 GenialSouls released a new version of its pro plugin, WooSocio Pro V1.3 GenialSouls improving its plugins by adding new demanding features. Now introducing an optional ‘Time Delay’ between posting to Facebook. It will prevent users to get banned from Facebook…

Post to groups

WooSocio Pro V1.2 released

WooSocio Pro V1.2 released WooSocio Pro V1.2 released – Genial Souls Version 1.2 Released 24/11/2015 GenialSouls released a new version of its pro plugin, WooSocio Pro V1.2 Facebook groups are an important part of online marketing. After getting demand from many customers, we added the feature in the new release of WooSocio Pro V1.2 to…

WooSocio Free Ver 0.7.2 released

WooSocio Free Ver 0.7.2 released

WooSocio Free Ver 0.7.2 released   New version released. WooSocio Ver 0.7.2 Genial Souls released new version of its pro plugin WooSocio. New features included in this release, are:   * added: View permissions granted to your facebook App. * update: Translation updated.   Please click on link below for more info: https://genialsouls.com/gallery/screenshots-woosocio-free/ [vcex_divider style=”solid” icon_color=”#000000″…

WooSocio Pro V1.1 released

WooSocio Pro V1.1 released

WooSocio Pro V1.1 released – Genial Souls Version 1.1 Released 20/06/2015 WooSocio Pro V1.1 released. GenialSouls released a new version of its pro plugin, WooSocio Pro V1.1 New version have the following new features/updates. Update: Invalid Scopes: publish_stream. Update: Post to facebook pages up to API v2.3 Added email notification on failed posting. Better reporting…
