WooSocio is a simple plugin for your woocommerce site to upload/post your products to facebook automatically. It will do the magic when you publish new product through woocommerce. It will be shared to your facebook friends, followers through your wall or pages and on your facebook groups. You can also add like/share buttons to your woo products and get more traffic.
Great plugin! Can I share my post to my fan Page instead of my personal page?
Yes. You can choose page (personal or fan) you want to share your posts from WooSocio Options page.
Can I add a custom message to my product for sharing?
Yes. You can add a custom message before publishing product. Click on edit link in publish area of the post.
What if I don't want to share a product?
If you uncheck the box ‘Post to facebook?’ in publish area, it will not be shared.
I am loggedin but products are not uploading.
Make sure you gave proper rights to you application. Disconnect from woosocio logins and connect again.
Can I allow more than one Facebook users to upload products?
Well, yes! more than one users can share your facebook application for single site.
What if I don't want like/share button on a product?
If you uncheck the box ‘show like/share button?’ in publish area, like/share buttons will not be displayed.
Do I need to connect or App ID to use like/share buttons?
No. You can use like/share buttons without connecting to facebook. But it is recommended to get App ID from facebook and always connect to get insight stats and details.
If I post on Facebook page as link, product image is not properly re sized and it is cropped.
When you post on Facebook as link, Facebook render that link itself. If your image is large then Facebook will crop it. Its default behavior of Facebook. If you want to show full picture then choose post as picture from WooSocio settings.